Tangram Puzzles - Polygrams

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Tangram Pro Puzzle is a new type of classic puzzle game.
Complete the puzzles by combining the different pieces.
Tangram Pro is a new tangram logic puzzle game that takes the classic wooden tangram puzzles to the next level.
Completing a puzzle can be relaxing, but also make the gears in your head rotate, which makes it an addictive time killer for kids and adults!
Tangram puzzle block is a fun game to play! comes with a relaxing tangram style puzzles.

Might it be after a long day to unwind your mind or just to challenge yourself, fitting the pieces onto the board feels simply satisfying - A brain teasing logic puzzle game one can only love!

◇ Comes with 10 Package with over 1600 unique levels.
◇ Hint Systems: Players can spend coins to use the highlight polygon block on the board.
◇ HD graphics that look great on tablets.
◇ Tangram is a relaxing logic puzzle.
◇ Triangle tangram block puzzle

Have fun!
Oxirgi yangilanish
14-mar, 2023

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