HexPress: Hex Block Puzzle

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This hex board block puzzle game is simple to learn, but hard to master. Progress through a series of hand crafted, challenging levels that teach you the basics and then stretch your brain to its limit.

If you like sokoban style games then this is the block puzzle game for you - it will really challenge your logic and spatial thinking.

All you have to do is move your pieces on the board so they finish in their matching "parking" places. But each board is unique, with carefully placed widgets that affect what your pieces do and how you solve the puzzle. To solve some of the puzzles you'll need to place your own widgets on the board which you'll collect as you complete the levels.

Features include:
- an optimal target number moves to solve each level
- no time limits
- rotators, bombs, teleports and many other exciting types of widgets
- hand crafted levels with more to be added soon

An addictive, challenging block puzzle game that will bring hours of fun and improve your problem solving skills. If you’ve been looking for a new, challenging block puzzle game or a different type of sokoban challenge then give HexPress a try - it’s free to play.

Optional reward adverts only to help collect your widgets faster. If you want, you can buy gold coins from the store which will let you buy widgets too.
Oxirgi yangilanish
19-iyl, 2024

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7 Carlton Terrace Jesmond Road West NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE NE2 4PD United Kingdom
+44 7971 202296

Gaussian Games Ltd – boshqa ilovalar