AR Maths for Grade 1

Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

Bu oʻyin haqida

The “AR Maths for Grade 1” application is for first-grade elementary school students to love and be interested in math. This application includes video lessons that simulate the math curriculum according to the Grade 1 Mathematics student book (Creative Horizon) of the Ministry of Education and Training in Vietnam.

This application is completely free and helps support learning for first-grade students with interesting and easy-to-understand video lessons. The games that apply augmented reality technology can interact with the surrounding environment, creating a sense of excitement for children. After each lesson, there will be corresponding games to help train thinking and absorbability. In addition, parents can track their child’s progress and absorption through semester exams.

Functions in “AR Maths for Grade 1”:
● Teaching videos of each lesson in the chapters:
- Chapter 1: Getting acquainted with some shapes.
- Chapter 2: Numbers up to 10.
- Chapter 3: Addition and subtraction within 10.
- Chapter 4: Numbers up to 20.
- Chapter 5: Numbers up to 100.
● Games corresponding to the lessons:
- The 3D fishing game supports distinguishing geometric shapes in chapter 1.
- The game of finding the position of objects helps distinguish the position of objects in chapter 1.
- The house-building game supports the order from small to large within the range of 10 in chapter 2.
- The clock game helps distinguish time on the clock in chapter 4.
- The calendar game supports recognizing days on a calendar in chapter 5.
- The comparison game helps distinguish larger or smaller numbers within the scope of chapters 2, 4, and 5.
- The obstacle course game supports learning addition and subtraction in chapters 3, 4, and 5.
● Review exercises after each lesson and semester exams help consolidate learned knowledge.

**Always ask a grown-up before using the 'AR Maths for Grade 1' app. Watch out out for other people when using this app and be aware of your surroundings.
** Parents and guardians please note: whilst using Augmented Reality there is a tendency for users to step backwards to view objects.
** Supported device list:
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-avg, 2024

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