Professional HD Camera

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Designed for high-resolution photos and videos in HD quality is an excellent camera, create photos with different effects.
appeal to millions of users with excellent features carefully designed by professional camera.
the highest level with a professional camera, you can capture quality photographs.
Professional Camera Android phones and full-featured and completely free camera app for tablets.

***** FEATURES *****

* In HD-quality high-resolution camera with excellent pull photos and videos.
* Face Detection alternative.
* Front / rear camera selection.
* Scene modes, color effects, white balance, and exposure compensation, choose.
* Choose camera and video quality and resolution JPEG.
* (With optional audio) video recording time.
* Burst mode with configurable delay.
* Option to turn off the shutter sound.
* GUI to change the orientation without any pause works in any direction. option optimized for right and left hand.
* Adjustable volume keys (image to zoom receive or change the exposure compensation).
* On camera functionality: Focus modes, scene modes, color effects, white balance, ISO, exposure compensation / lock, facial recognition, support for the torch.
* Video recording (supports all resolutions including HD).
* Remote control (optional audio countdown) timer (with configurable delay) automatic repeat mode.
* Adjustable volume keys.
* Location targeting feature
* Remove with multi-touch gesture and single-touch control.
* Option to lock the photo or video in portrait or landscape orientation.
* Photo effects
* Disable the shutter sound.
* Excellent camera
* Real-time filters
* Optional GPS location tagging (geotagging), photos and videos; For photos that compass direction (gpsımgdirectio's, gpsımgdirectionref) contains.
* A date and time stamp on photos, location coordinates and implements a custom text.
* Also it is known as the front camera (selfie shooting)
* (Some) external microphone support.
* Widget to take pictures after starting automatically.
* Manual focusing distance; manual ISO; manual exposure time; RAW (DNG) files.
* Switch between front and rear camera
* Night mode
* Flash feature
* Brightness settings
* HD video camera experience with an excellent start to capture.
Oxirgi yangilanish
19-iyl, 2017

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