Robinson Crusoe Companion App

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Tired of the long setup time and tediously shuffling cards? Do you already know the adventures by heart and want to delve into a new world?

The Companion App simplifies Robinson Crusoe by replacing the Adventure and Event decks during gameplay and helps beginners track the progress of consecutive turns. It also introduces over 300 unique Event and Adventure cards! This way you can play Scenarios you are familiar with once again, facing new threats and discovering new strategies.

Companion App Pack #1 - Loury Totems: During your exploration of the Island you have noticed a number of totems with weird engravings. Upon researching the engravings, you’ve discovered that they’re actually ritual totems from a tribe that inhabited this island centuries ago... Throughout the following days, bizarre and violent accidents began to occur all around you... You must destroy these malicious totems!

Companion App Pack #2 - Pirate’s Map: A skeleton upon the shore holds a crusty old scroll in its hands. You remove the scroll, exposing yourself to all possible curses... Luckily for you, it was just an old map covered with mysterious symbols. Trying to decipher the code, you begin to search for the marked areas of the map. It seems that the symbols represent traps and treasures strewn about the island. Careful though, the old Pirate might have been trying to mislead you intentionally!

Companion App Pack #3 - Rotten Wounds: In the beginning, you noticed the smell... Like the Island itself had already given itself up to the infection. Trees began to drop spoiled, rotten fruits... The limbs themselves began to wither and break, one after another. The worst of it presented itself when you became injured: even though you cleansed the wound with fresh water, it soon began to rot! The pain was unimaginable and lured rabid, mutated beasts toward you! Will you succumb to their hunger?

Companion App Pack #4 - Coming soon…

The application requires the board game Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island to play.
Oxirgi yangilanish
1-noy, 2024

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