Asino Atlas

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Asino Atlas stands as a groundbreaking educational initiative for the study of surgical approaches, proudly sponsored and funded by the Asino Foundation. Developed by UpSurgeOn and conceived by Federico Nicolosi, neurosurgeon and founder of UpSurgeOn, this initiative represents the inaugural atlas of digitized cadaveric dissections.

The Asino Foundation, an Italian entity, is at the forefront of a revolutionary effort, dedicated to advancing the mission of supporting training in the field of neurosurgical oncology. As the driving force behind Asino Atlas, this foundation plays a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of surgical education.

This pioneering atlas not only signifies a leap forward in the exploration of surgical techniques but also underscores the commitment of the Asino Foundation to innovation and excellence in neurosurgical education. By financing and promoting such initiatives, the foundation contributes significantly to the evolution of knowledge and proficiency in the intricate field of neurosurgery.

Asino Foundation's dedication to revolutionizing training in neurosurgical oncology reflects a broader commitment to advancing medical science and ensuring that practitioners receive the highest quality education. The digitalization of cadaveric dissections in Asino Atlas marks a significant milestone, made possible through the visionary leadership of the foundation and the collaborative efforts of UpSurgeOn.

Asino Foundation's pivotal role in supporting initiatives like Asino Atlas highlights its unwavering commitment to the advancement of neurosurgical education. By championing groundbreaking projects, the foundation is instrumental in shaping the future of surgical practice, ensuring that aspiring and seasoned professionals alike have access to cutting-edge resources for unparalleled skill development and knowledge enhancement.
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-sen, 2024

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UpSurgeOn s.r.l.
+39 380 171 1944

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