Kids Memory Card Game

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5 ming+
Ustozlar tasdiqlagan
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

Bu oʻyin haqida

Learn while having fun: Your child will love playing this fun memory card game while learning about colors, shapes, numbers and animals.

Different difficulty levels: The game offers different difficulty levels to challenge your child's memory and visual skills.

Cute graphics and sound effects: The game contains colorful graphics and engaging sound effects that will keep your child entertained.

Develop fine motor skills: Your child will develop fine motor skills as they touch, slide and flip cards.

Easy to play: The game is simple and intuitive, so your child can easily pick it up and start playing.

Sticker Collection: Your preschooler will earn rewards and stickers as he progresses in our memory card game. In this way, your child's self-confidence and intuition to success will develop.


Educational: This educational game is a great way for your child to learn about important concepts such as colors, shapes, numbers, and animals.
Improves memory and concentration: Playing the game will help your child improve their memory and concentration skills.

Develops fine motor skills: Your child will develop their fine motor skills as they play with the cards.

Fun and engaging: The colorful graphics and sound effects make this game fun and engaging for children.

Pedagogy-approved: This game is a great way to spend quality time with your child while also teaching them important skills.

Download Kids Memory Card Game now and give your child a fun and interactive way to learn about colors, shapes, numbers, and animals!
Oxirgi yangilanish
11-apr, 2023

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Learn colors, numbers and animals with this fun and educational memory card game!