My Work

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Break free, with the “My Work” app from ADP.
ADP Workforce Manager is the future of workforce management, and is designed entirely for the optimal mobile workforce management experience. The My Work app brings this powerful management tool to your favorite mobile devices.
Managers can check attendance, update schedules, approve timecards, monitor overtime and more, while getting out from behind a desk and into the workplace, where they can better serve customers, run operations and interact with employees.
Employees can easily and quickly clock in/out, transfer jobs, check schedules, swap shifts, request time off and more, without having to get to a computer or a timeclock.
Even practitioners can check on and process timecards remotely, to help ensure a payroll process is running smoothly.
Note that the My Work app is only available to employees of ADP Workforce Manager clients. Use the same username and password that you would use to login through your web browser.
Oxirgi yangilanish
11-sen, 2024

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