Block Puzzle: World Adventure

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178 ta sharh
50 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
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Embark on a thrilling puzzle expedition around the world with "Block Puzzle: World Adventure"! This isn't just another block game; it's a global adventure in your pocket, combining classic puzzle game play with innovative twists and a noble cause.

As a puzzle master, you'll navigate through levels teeming with vibrant blocks, whimsical bubbles, enigmatic magic hats, mighty magnets, and ever-moving conveyor belts. Each level is a brain-teasing delight, a perfect blend of challenge and charm that will tickle your wits and dazzle your senses.

But there's more! As you journey from the romantic avenues of Paris to the historic ruins of Rome and the glittering skyline of New York, you're not just playing—you're also exploring! With each level conquered, collect pieces of jigsaws that gradually reveal breathtaking vistas of our planet's greatest treasures. Piece by piece, a world of wonder unfolds before you, igniting a wanderlust for both the known and the mysterious corners of our world.

And what's a tour without a noble cause? "Block Puzzle: World Adventure" is on a mission to spread awareness about our planet's endangered species. Each puzzle solved brings you closer to discovering and collecting images of rare animals, turning fun into a force for good. It's a game that entertains and educates, fostering a deeper connection with our Earth's precious wildlife.

So, are you ready to twist, turn, and strategize your way through a mosaic of puzzles? Are you eager to unlock the stories of the world's wonders and its wild inhabitants? The blocks are waiting, the animals are whispering, and the whole world is ready to be pieced together.

Download "Block Puzzle: World Adventure" now—because the world is a puzzle, and you are the piece that completes it. Let the puzzle begin!
Oxirgi yangilanish
12-avg, 2024

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153 ta sharh

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Add more levels
Fix some minor bugs.
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