Piptek KWGT Clock Widget

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48 ta sharh
10 ming+
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NOTE: Note:This is NOT a stand-alone application, download this app only if you have or wish to buy KWGT Pro app, You can get it from here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.widget.pro

A stunning interface for your Android device based on Fallout game

This is the first phase of this widget, I will be updating this widget soon.

How to Use:
Install KWGT application.
Create a new KWGT widget on homescreen.
Search Piptek on your skins list.
Re-size according to your screen grids.

Detailed instructions are provided within the app

Mail me at [email protected] if you have a doubt or issue.

Disclaimer: This skin is NOT affiliated with Bethesda Soft or Fallout Game.
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-yan, 2017

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