Drawing by steps for kids

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100 ming+
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Hamma uchun

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A drawing game for children will allow you to amuse your baby with benefits for him.
The process of the game is very simple: the kid draws parts of an unknown pattern, tracing and coloring along the dotted line. And then the figure is assembled and a funny character or animal turns out, which of course comes to life.

***What is the game like:***
- Circle and color the detail of the drawing along the contour
- The drawing is unknown
- As a result, an object or character will be assembled
- An item or character comes to life
- Click on the finished drawing - an object or character performs an action.
- The details of the drawing are mixed so that no one can guess what will happen in the end.

***Features and benefits of the game***
- development of imagination
- development of creative abilities
- preparing the hand for writing
- coloring book for kids
- suitable for the youngest
- development of attention
- development of imagination
- drawing with your finger
- draw in stages
- drawing step by step
- drawing game for children by stages
- you can draw animals or draw cars and color them

Drawing for children is a creative activity for the development of fine motor skills. Our game is a live children's coloring pages and coloring books. The game has different animals, plants, as well as coloring cars and flowers. You can draw along the contour. Our risovashka develops imagination.

It's very easy to play, the game is suitable for children from 2 years old. Drawing in stages - suitable for both boys and girls.
Drawing for kids is one of the most necessary processes for the development of creative abilities. With this game, drawing is very easy and simple, and most importantly fun. The development of a child in a playful way is the best way to raise an intelligent and creative personality.
Oxirgi yangilanish
6-okt, 2024

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