Sudoku Creator and Solver App

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This app is a Sudoku Solver App for all kinds of Sudoku Puzzles. This app also serves as a Sudoku Creator by randomly placing numbers on the Sudoku Grid and checking for answers.

Sudoku Solver functionality:
To find solution of a Sudoku puzzle just enter the puzzle into the grid of the app by placing the numbers at the specified cells of the Sudoku Puzzle. Once complete the solution will be available on the grid. In order to understand the steps needed to solve the puzzle click on 'Show Solution Steps'. The app will give a step by step walkthrough on how to reach the solution.

Sudoku Creation Functionality:

Auto Mode: Clicking on 'Create a Sudoku' will automatically generate a new Sudoku Puzzle.

Manual Mode: Place numbers on the grid in a pre determined or random order. Once a unique solution is available the puzzle is complete.

Once the Sudoku puzzle is created clicking on 'Show Solution Steps' will give a step by step walkthrough on how to reach solution to the generated Sudoku puzzle.
This app generates new Sudoku puzzles in a single click. This is done by seeding numbers into different cells of a Sudoku grid and checking one by one.

The app also provides the solution to the generated sudoku puzzle. Further users have an option to check the step by step process of solving the generated Sudoku Puzzle.

About the Sudoku Solving Process
The solving process includes basic to advanced algorithms to solve sudoku puzzles. Detailed visual guides help users understand how the algorithm works and how to spot them. Users have the option to select Algorithms they want to use in order to solve the Sudoku puzzles.

We hope that this app serves as a guide and helper for all who love to solve Sudoku puzzles. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] to provide any feedback.
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-apr, 2023

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