Weighing Scale Barcoding app

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135 ta sharh
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This android app is a useful app to generate barcode labels and QR code labels with weight value and any other details. The barcode labels and QR code labels can be printed directly to a connected printer or shared using emai, whatsapp or any other image sharing app in the android device.

This barcode creator app easily connects to a bluetooth enabled weighing scale to get weight values directly from the weighing scale without the need of manual entry of weight. If a bluetooth enabled weight scale is not available user can manually enter weight and print barcode label without any loss of information.

An item database inside the barcode generator for weight app can be used to add item code and other details to barcode. This enables generation of barcodes for different items easily. If weight of an item is not required in the barcode label user can choose to enter quantity manually in the app.

The barcode creator app can directly communicate with thermal printer through a USB cable (through OTG). Once connected the generated barcode label is directly printed on the thermal printer by clicking on 'Print'.

If a printer is not available then the barcode can be shared through email, Whatsapp and other sharing apps by clicking on 'Share'.

The app provides an option to choose which format to print the barcode in as per requirement. Quality and usability of barcode printed depends on the format and data being added to the barcode.

Barcode labels generated on this app are customizable by width and length making them uniquely configurable for almost any kind of requirement.
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-avg, 2023

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