Moonlight Lovers: Aaron - Dati

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4,67 ming ta sharh
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M (17+)

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Discover a French otome game in English with Moonlight Lovers! A series of interactive stories (choice game) in a dark, mysterious and dangerous universe…

Discover a story of love, vampires, romance and betrayal in this narrative game!

The best part? You can play the Moonlight Lovers visual novel for free.

Each story is divided into chapters. In each episode, you will need to make different choices to personalize your interactive story. You can play all the choice games of the Moonlight Lovers series for free and in any order. Each character has their own love story, their own adventure and their own mysteries… Your romance can end in three different ways in this choice game: it’s up to you to uncover the mysteries of the manor and the vampires that live there!


“I inherited this immense manor from my parents. I had no knowledge of its existence. Barely having set foot in this place, I already felt watched and observed… What is going on here?”

Marked by a heavy past, Aaron is one of the most pleasant people in the Manor. He will know how to guide you on the dark path that awaits you. Mysterious and an observer, he is not a vampire like the others. He loves the fresh air of the forest around the Manor. His calm and solitary nature hides more than one secret…

Will your bond with that unites you with Aaron be solid enough to integrate you into his world?


Choice game: Moonlight Lovers is an interactive story. In each episode, you will be able to make a multitude of choices each have a consequence on your story. Choose your destiny!
Three different endings can be unlocked depending on your choices. Will you experience the best possible ending?
Romance: Six vampires, each with a different story, intrigue and personality. Six intense love stories.
Visual novel: A visual adventure with numerous illustrations to collect!


A French otome game in English.
A complete narrative adventure.
Three different endings, depending on your choices during the story.
An intense romance with each vampire.
A dark and mature universe, soaked with mystery and intrigue.

Follow Moonlight Lovers on our social network pages:


Beemoov is an international, free web and mobile games production company. Beemoov develops visual novels, otome games and fashion games such as My Candy Love, Eldarya, Like a Fashionista and Henri’s Secret. The teams are committed to offer players original and unforgettable experiences. “Moonlight Lovers: Aaron” is a free otome game where it is possible to obtain purchased bonuses.


Questions? Suggestions? Need technical support?
Contact us at: [email protected].
Oxirgi yangilanish
22-mar, 2024

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Surprises will be waiting for you for such very special occasions! 🎁