Reading Academy! Learn to Read

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English spelling games for kids!😉 Tracing letters and learn how to read and write! Try our kindergarten reading apps for kids! Yes, it is fun preschool games for kids!

These games for children are grouped by themes:

😻 SuperAlphabet. Alphabet for kids helps children learn the sounds corresponding to each letter. Kids learn to read with bright bubbles, magic paint, jolly hide and seek. ABC toddler games will allow your child learning the alphabet.100+ multi level kindergarten reading games.

🌈 Phonics. While playing with phonics for kids your child will learn to combine letters into syllables and simple words. This preschool games for kids will facilitate the abc training learning process for spelling and writing. Auditory learning processes for reading will kindergarten help them recognize reoccurring patterns in words.

🎀 SuperWords. Your child will learn to combine letters into words and learn to read games for 2 year olds and write in our spelling games. Games for children will help your child memorize the names of all the letters as well as the sounds they make.

🧸 SuperNumbers. This alphabet games for toddlers will help your child with learning numbers and counting numbers for toddlers effortlessly. Play our super fun number games for toddlers.

🎈 SuperSong about the alphabet is a jolly animated song which you can sing with your child. This song will bring you lots of joy and will also help your child remember the alphabet letters. Learning the alphabet in english spelling games for kids.

📚 Super Reading Kids Academy has:

❤️Super abc toddler games!
🧡Super entertaining educational kids games!
💛Super number games for toddlers!
💚Super reading apps!
💜Super kindergarten math games!
🤍Super fun kids games!
🖤Helps to develop fine motor skills!

There is only a part of the content available in the free version of the application. To gain access to the full version, you will need to make a built-in purchase.

About BINI GAMES (ex-Bini Bambini):

These educational kids games have been created by Bini Games (ex-Bini Bambini), a software company which develops learning games for kindergarten. With us kids learn the alphabet for kids, letters, numbers and phonics, learn to read and write. Children are exposed to learn how to read and learn counting numbers for toddlers through building puzzles and doing simple math. As a company we strive to make our alphabet games for toddlers practical, instilling a desire for knowledge, interest in reading, tracing letters and studying.

If you need help or have questions about our kindergarten reading games, get in touch at [email protected].
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-okt, 2023

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Minor bugs have been fixed. Enjoy the smoother play!