Aqua Solitaire

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Welcome to Aqua Solitaire, the ultimate card game for those who love a challenge! In this game, you will need to use your strategy and quick thinking to clear the cardboard and emerge victorious.

The goal of Aqua Solitaire is to clear all cards from the board by forming pairs of cards that add up to 13.
You can only remove cards that are not blocked by other cards and are either in the top row or exposed in the bottom row.
If you get stuck and can't find a pair, you can use special power-ups to help you out. This includes the ability to shuffle cards, remove cards from the board, or reveal hidden cards.
As you progress through the levels, the difficulty will increase and you will have to use all your skills to beat the game.

The game is available in multiple languages to make the user experience more relevant. Languages are listed below.
- English
- Hindi
- Gujarati
- Telugu
- Tamil
- Gujarati

How to play:-
1. In Aqua Solitaire, gameplay involves arranging cards in descending order of power.
2. For example, a card with the number 7 may have a card with the number 6 below it. The goal is to create a series of card pairs and arrange them in such a way.
3. On successfully creating a series of cards, the user will receive +100 points. Additionally, users will start the game with a default of +500 points.
4. Various options are available in the game like a hint button, undo button, theme section and settings section.
5. Using the hint button during the game will deduct 10 points from the score. Similarly, using the undo button will deduct 1 point.
6. If the user's score reaches 0 points, they lose the game. Additionally, if there are no sets of cards left to continue the game, it will also end.
Oxirgi yangilanish
25-iyl, 2024

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+91 84608 09898

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