Kali Ni Tidi-Spades Card Game

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Kali Ni Tidi is a famous game in India. It's also known as 3 of Spades. Each card game has its own fun because of its own rules and winning strategy. Kali ni tidi also known as Kali ni Teedi, Tigi, and much more.

You can play this offline game with computer robots and improve your skils.

Spades game originated in the US around the 1930s. A trick taking type of game. It has an alternative name called “Call Bridge” in many regions around the world. In India Spades game is known as “Kali ni tidi” or “Kaali teeri” or “Kaali ki teeggi”.

This card game is very much popular in the various card games out there and has uniqueness because of its partner revealing part. Which is the thrilling one during the game.

The selection of Trump cards is very precious behind winning this game. And at the start of the game, the player can select one card which reveals the partner of the player. So, Players should be careful in selecting the cards for the above mentioned two situations for their win.

You will play with the same number of cards(52 cards) by selecting single deck or double deck. Only the difference between them is that, In a single deck, lower cards will be there. ex. 2,3,4…. And in the double deck, lower cards will be eliminated.

How to play this game ?
1) Select the deck size you want to play with (Single deck or Double deck)
2) Select the challenging numbers to "challenge" or "PASS" your move
3) Players have to challenge the points according to the selected deck size.
4) Players can pass the challenge if they do not want to challenge.
5) If you challenge some numbers, And another player’s challenge number is higher than your challenge numbers then, the second round of selection of challenge will be played. In that second round, Player needs to challenge higher than the challenge numbers selected by the other player to continue.
6) If you pass the challenge, Then neglect the fifth step.
7) Now, Select the Trump (Hukum) in the next step and select one card which will decide your partner, when it is revealed.
8) The owner of your selected card will become your partner when that card is disclosed in between the game.
9) Then you just need to double tap on the card you want to throw for your move and enjoy the game.

Game Play and how to win it :-
In every single hand, We must throw the highest card to win that hand to score a good number of points. And we must throw the trump if we short a card that has been thrown in a hand. Ex. If in one hand , Hand starts with the heart card and we don’t have a single heart sign card, Then we can throw the trump card instead to win that hand.

This game is available in multiple languages to make the user experience more relatable. The languages are as listed below.

Once the Trump card is selected, Then You are not allowed to go back and change it.So, select it carefully after seeing which maximum sign of cards you have.

Challenge limits vary between Single and Double deck. Single deck has a range of 150 to 250 for challenge numbers. Besides that Double deck has the range of 300 to 500 for challenge numbers.

10,J,Q,K and A(ace) cards have some points value while 3 of spades have the Highest point.

You can get the free chips by watching a small ad. And also you can select your Player’s Icon avatar along with its name.

We also provide the help section into our game to help users to know the game and to understand the game play step by step.

The game is available for both android and IOS users. Suitable for all android devices. Download quickly to enjoy your favorite card battle.

Please don't forget to Rate and Review Kali ni tidi Game. Any suggestions? We always love to hear from you and making this App better. Email us at [email protected]

Download Kali ni tidi free game now and start playing the game instantly.
Oxirgi yangilanish
22-avg, 2023

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