wooden Block Escape puzzle

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1 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

Bu oʻyin haqida

You will need to move the red block to the exit.
Horizontal bar can be moved from side to side
Vertical bar can be moved up and down

- Single player game: 6 difficulty level: easy to hard
- Support all tablets

Wooden Block Puzzle - Classic Block Puzzle Game, is an addictive classic block-style wooden puzzle game, improves your logical skills and refreshes your mind. Wooden Block Puzzle challenges you to Move the wooden blocks to create a path and allow the wooden block to leave the board. Wooden Block Puzzle is a real classic, no time limit and totally elimination game. Play Wooden Block Puzzle - Classic Block Puzzle Game every day, find the all combo mode in this classic block puzzle game.

A classic puzzle that has stood the test of time!

Improve your cognitive and problem-solving skills with Unblock Me. The game is small, but loaded with puzzles. Exercise your brain with 900+ puzzles. A fun game for all ages

Available on all Android devices!

Remarks :
No connection, no worries!
Unblock Me can be played both ONLINE and OFFLINE. Game progress is synced as soon as the device comes back online.

★Let's go to unlock the blocked ones?★
Move the wooden blocks to create a path and allow the red block to leave the board.

Try it and you will love this block puzzle game.
Oxirgi yangilanish
28-okt, 2023

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