Tangram - IQ Math puzzles Pro

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"Tangram puzzles - IQ Math game" is a super intellectual math game, free of charge, exercise IQ and intelligence for children, teenagers and entertainment for adults. It's great for you to entertain after stressful working time regardless of age.

This is an old game, in China people call this game "七巧板", in Japan it is called "タングラム", in Europe (Germany, France, UK, Hungary, Russia...etc) it can be called. is "Lucky Puzzle" or "Tangram puzzle", "Tangram Polygram" and there are many variations of it...

"Tangram puzzles - IQ Math game" has only 7 pieces but can be stacked and created hundreds of funny and funny pictures
- Players can experience with different game modes (spin, turn upside down, flip upside down, rotate by angle, stand still ...).
- Multiplayer with loads of different stages, flips, spins and matches...

Basic Features:
- One Touch - Designed to be played with one finger
- Hundreds of level libraries of brain-damaging tangram images
- Level from beginner to master, and even higher is creating new titles
- No need internet can still play
- Magically rotate each puzzle piece and move it to align the puzzle pieces into the geometry with no overlapping pieces

Games are classified "tangram images": animals, people, plants, animals, geometry, traffic signs and other figures that need the player to create...

1. Method 1: There is a wallpaper guide; The player uses 7 pieces to match the original puzzle to fit the picture.
2. Method 2: Hint has 01 thumbnails but no image; The player must form a picture corresponding to the suggested image.
3. Method 3: Players create their own shapes: Use 07 magic puzzle pieces and create shapes to suit the image you want to create (step 1: name the image; step 2: write the image file to the image library for the system to create more library)

* Cultivate passion for math and geometry
* Exercise intellectual thinking for children, abstract mathematical thinking.
* Develop IQ and EQ and increase passion for painting
* Entertainment for everyone from old to young anytime, anywhere...even when the internet connection is lost.

Have fun practicing IQ and math with our "Tangram puzzles - IQ Math game" and experiment and try to see what your math IQ is?
Thank you.
Oxirgi yangilanish
27-sen, 2023

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V1.0: GUID
1- Choose a model
2- Use 7 puzzle pieces to fit the original picture
3- You can rotate the image, flip it 180 degrees, and move it to match the right corners, edges, and points
4- Match all 7 pictures one by one
5- When the last piece matches the correct pattern, the game ends.
Similar: Repeat with other shapes