Inputting Plus: Ctrl + Z/F/C/V

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Can you believe there is still no undo(ctrl+z), redo(ctrl+y), find & replace(ctrl+f) when inputting on a touchscreen? Fortunately, Inputting+ can handle this.


- Lifehacker: Inputting+ helps by bringing some key features, including undo, redo, and find and replace as easy as a desktop.

- Android Police: If you have ever had an app crash or accidental button press make you lose something you've written, I won't need to convince you that this new app is worth a shot.
Very material stuff here. The developer definitely knocked the animations out of the park.


Inputting Notification

Inputting+'s notification will automatically appear when typing. It can help you undo, redo, find & replace text, just like ctrl+z, ctrl+f, ctrl+c, ctrl+v on computer. And even quick insert clipboard history!
Due to system limitations, inputting texts in WebView(such as Google Chrome) are not supported yet.

Inputting Timeline

Have you ever got a moment that you lost something very important in case of the app crash or network connection failure? Inputting Timeline can automatically collect all texts you typed in other apps to a simple timeline. You can check out the text at each moments and copy it. You wont lose it again.

Permissions Usage:

This app uses Accessibility services.
This app uses Accessibility services to read text you typed on screen.

BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE: For reading the text you typed on screen.
USE_FINGERPRINT: Use fingerprint instead of PIN lock.
RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED: Start service at start up.
INTERNET: For Google Fabric crash report. Inputting+ will NOT upload any sensitive data.
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-yan, 2019

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Reytinglar va sharhlar

1,32 ming ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

- Bug fixes and performance improvements.