Dreamlink Fitness

Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

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DL Fitness is a new generation of application customized by Offiway. It connects with Offiway treadmills/walking machines to control the machines and record training data. This function enables users to perform running training more conveniently and manage their sports data effectively.

Real-time data monitoring: After the DL Fitness is connected to the treadmill, it can display the user's running data in real time, such as current speed, running time, distance, calories consumed, etc. These data help users master their exercise status and conduct effective exercise management.

Personalized training mode: The APP can provide personalized training plans and modes. Users can choose different training modes according to their fitness goals.

Data recording and analysis: The APP will record the data of each user's running and make statistics. Users can evaluate their progress and make adjustments to improve the training effect by comparing and analyzing historical data.

DL Fitness provides users with a more intelligent and personalized exercise experience through the connection with the treadmill, which greatly enhances the user's sense of control and sense of achievement in running training.
Oxirgi yangilanish
9-okt, 2024

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