eWeLink Camera - Home Security

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eWeLink Camera App lets you look after the ones you care about from anywhere and anytime, by turning your idle Android phone into a security camera, baby monitor, pet monitor, nanny cam, and more. No need to buy a new IP camera. No mount required, just install the app, put the phone in the right position, and start watching by a few setting steps easily.

Key Features:

1. Easy to set up, No mount required. There are only 3 steps to set up. Follow the step-by-step instructions and get all set in minutes.

2. 24/7 Live Streaming. After setting up the camera phone, it streams everything you care about. Watch the live streaming whenever, and wherever you're. Worry-free even when you're out of home.

3. Security matters. Enable the Motion Detection to get an instant notification when there is any movement detected. The recorded clips can be saved to your phone albums. Review what has been captured at any time.

4. Multi-access to live feed. Watching the live feed on the linked phone is a common feature, but it's not always convenient. We offer three more accesses to the live feed, that is, view on Echo Show, Google Nest Hub, and eWeLink Web. Just pick the easier access to the live view.

5. Get remote interactions. With the 2-way talk feature, it is so easy to chat with your loved ones, watch your little baby when you're in the middle of something, or even yell at the un-expected visitors, faster than grab the phone call.

6. Check device status. This is an exclusive feature for eWeLink users. You can pin the camera to eWeLink support switches and check it before action.

Setup Guide:

Step 1: Prepare two phones; download and install eWeLink Camera App on the Android phone (use as the camera), and download and install eWeLink App on the other phone (Viewer)
Step 2: Create an eWeLink account if you don't have one
Step 3: Log in with the same eWeLink account
Oxirgi yangilanish
28-sen, 2023

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中国 广东省深圳市 南山区桃园街道学苑大道1001号南山智园A3栋5楼 邮政编码: 518055
+86 186 8152 5267

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