Ark IDs - Commands & Codes

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Your pocket tool for everything related to Ark: Survival Evolved admin commands, item IDs, creature codes and color IDs.

Ark IDs is the most popular Ark admin commands and spawn codes website, and now we’re available on the app store! Find out about our features below.

Admin Commands

Find documentation for every Ark console command in an instant with our up-to-date admin commands database. Each command is complete with working examples and generators. The command generators allow you to adjust all of the parameters in app, outputting a working command for you to enter in-game.

Scroll through them all individually, search by name, or use our filters to find commands from specific categories.

Item IDs

Use our item ID and GFI code list to search through over 1,000 Ark items and find the information you need to spawn them in-game. Use the settings to see an item’s spawn command, GFI code, item ID, or blueprint. Adjust the filters to view items from specific DLCs and categories.

Creature IDs

Our creature and dino ID list contains all creatures from Ark and DLCs. Simply search for a creature and get the command to spawn it in-game. Use the filters to view creatures from specific DLCs and categories.

Additionally, this list provides you with the option to use either the Summon, SpawnDino or SDF command, and allows you to customize the parameters (spawn distance, creature level and whether or not the creature can be tamed), so you don’t need to faff about in-game.

Color IDs

The Ark IDs app comes with a full list of all Ark color IDs allowing you to color your dinos.

Use the list to get a color’s ID, or tap a color to place it into the setTargetDinoColor command generator, which will output a working command for you to use on dinos in-game.
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3-iyl, 2024

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