Jane’s Story: Cooking & Hotel

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Hot Jane`s hotel time-management game is all about cooking and guest management. Get yourself into a fun hotel story and cooking story, try out unique and fun cooking games.
Help guests in this cooking mania game. Become a top chef and hotel manager, experience the real hotel mania. Ready to embark on an exciting cooking adventure? Jane`s hotel awaits!

Open Jane`s hotel chain with Jane`s Story: hotel & cooking!

Your cooking story, your rules! Jane`s story - fun cooking games is an exciting business simulator that puts you in the shoes of a cooking chef and hotel manager. Find out how it feels to practice your cooking techniques and time-management skills, ready to provide the best service to their visitors!

This cooking mania and hotel mania game has a number of unique features:
⏱️ Exciting time management games (tap, tap) that will keep you fired up!
🏩 The ability to grow your love hotel through efficient management!
🎁 Special quests and cool rewards for completing them!
🏆 Hot cooking mania contests with gold medals and cups awarded for completing achievements in cooking adventure!
🍔 Nice graphics: so your visitors can look their best, and your hotel & cooking story can feel the most creative!
⚠️ Regular updates in cooking and hotel mania games! From new cooking machines to events!
💕 Hotel story: from love affairs to engagements right by the kitchen!
🥳 Unique emotions and experience only real fun cooking games can offer!

Jane`s story is a time management game. Keep all your visitors happy and satisfied! Just like in the real world, Jane`s hotel business simulator will teach you to set your priorities right. Cook delicious food and serve your cooking to customers. Effectively manage your assistants, and your hotel will attract even more clients. Spend your time and resources wisely to keep everyone happy and your business profitable!
Download Jane`s story to become a master chef in cooking games. This simulator will bring you a lot of fun moments and become your guide to the world of delicious meals, cooking and business!
Oxirgi yangilanish
25-avg, 2023

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Joylashuv, Men haqimda va yana 4 ta
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5,19 ming ta sharh

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Dear players, welcome to update 30.0:
- New gym "Mystery Castle" - a place where magic lives.
- Other refinements and minor improvements
Enjoy your game!