Christmas Fables: Holiday f2p

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What if your grandfather is the real Santa Claus? Christmas is a time of enchantment and joy, but this year, the holiday spirit is under threat. Join an extraordinary adventure episode "Holiday Guardians" of "Christmas Fables" hidden object games series, where you'll solve puzzles, brain games and discover that your grandpa is the one and only Santa Claus! This year, things have taken a mystery turn, and there's talk of a devious conspiracy unfolding at the North Pole's Toy Factory. It's up to you and your magic grandpa to save Christmas from disaster. Join the holiday point and click adventure story absolutely f2p and unveil the Christmas conspiracy!

There is no greater feeling than waking up on a pleasant Christmas Eve as a child, expecting a true miracle. Only... Now, that's strange! There are no presents under your tree. But there is a sweet jingle coming out of the shed, enticing for a breath-taking adventure beyond your wildest dreams. Who says grandpas are boring? Help yours take care of all the things before the clock strikes twelve. And how does one spend quality time with Grandpa without meeting his strange friends, some of whom are princesses and even rats?

🎄 Unveil the truth!
Your task is to solve puzzles and seek for hidden objects to help your grandpa, who's far from being your typical grandparent, complete his Christmas duties before the clock strikes twelve!

🎄 Whimsical companions!
Prepare to meet an array of eccentric characters on your magic journey, some of whom are princesses and even talking rats! Interact in this with these enchanting personalities in this mystery story and discover their unique roles in the North Pole's grand scheme.

🎄 Brain-teasing puzzles!
Immerse yourself in a world of intricate puzzles and engaging brain games that will put your problem-solving skills to the test. Unlock a variety of achievements in this episode as you successfully complete these challenges and inch closer to saving Christmas!

🎄 Choices matter!
Make tough decisions that will influence the destinies of the people and creatures at the North Pole. Your choices will shape the course of the point and click adventure story and determine whether Christmas can be saved from the brewing conspiracy!

Get ready for a heartwarming, holiday-themed episode of hidden object games filled with mystery in "Christmas Fables: Holiday Guardians" free version!

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Embark on a magic journey in "Christmas Fables: Holiday Guardians" a captivating point and click adventure f2p! Solve brain games, puzzles and hidden object games to ensure that in this episode people will experience the perfect Christmas!
Oxirgi yangilanish
3-sen, 2024

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