Gloomy Tales: Episode 1 f2p

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The Halloween party at a posh mansion turns into a real-life nightmare. Was it meant to be? Figure it out yourself as you embark on a spooky fun adventure episode “One-Way Ticket” from the “Gloomy Tales Season 2” murder mystery games series! You, as a successful photographer, will have to search hidden objects, find the difference, solve tricky puzzles, brain teasers and challenging finding games to gather worthy material at this party. Don't believe anything you hear and believe only half of what you see! Not only will a supernatural interactive story by Domini Games delight you with a spine-chilling adventure, but it’s also completely f2p!

It seems your friend Millie has gone mad! Why else would she have invited you to join her at an old mansion that got a bad reputation after the mysterious disappearance of a few people, especially on Halloween? Dozens of photographers are eager to get there to capture the festive moments of Halloween night, but you're the only one who got the opportunity! Let’s say it’s a Halloween miracle! And while you're trying to unravel the mysteries of the mansion, its owner is struggling to find a logical explanation. She'd better find it quickly because there's an eerie surprise coming for all the guests at the party. Does the mansion keep a terrible deathly secret? Find out! And then you can tell the world. If you can get out…

🎈 Spooky atmosphere!
Embarking on this mysterious event of the interactive story you will have the opportunity to visit many curious corners of the old mansion filled with hidden objects, finding games and supernatural secrets! What's a world without some mysticism, right?

🎈 Halloween mysteries!
A Halloween scaremongering or a daring crime in plain sight? Mystical puzzles, brain teasers, hide and seek games along with murder mystery are waiting for you to bring some fun to the party! Can you solve them all before they “solve” you instead?

🎈 Costume party!
What's Halloween without some colorful and daring outfits? They say it's the only day of the year when you can be whoever you want to be. Play finding games and search for hidden objects to choose a more terrifying outfit for this mystery adventure episode!

🎈 Unique content!
Setting out to explore a variety of dark mysteries, you will visit many curious places filled with beautiful wallpapers, enchanting music, picturesque concept art and exciting videos of the murder mystery games episode. Do you like pumpkins? Watch out, they can bite!

Play the supernatural interactive story for free, but if you feel stuck or don’t want to solve puzzles, you may buy hints that will help you proceed quicker!

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Enjoy solving puzzles, brain teasers and finding games at a Halloween party! Search for hidden objects and solve murder mystery in this adventure episode of supernatural interactive story f2p by Domini Games!
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-okt, 2024

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