Halloween Chronicles: Family

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T (13+)

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Solve puzzles and brain teasers: "Halloween Chronicles: Cursed Family" in one of the top mystery hidden object games! Your goal is to seek and find hidden objects in these fun finding object games to reveal the family mysteries.

Itā€™s Halloween Eve, and youā€™re hurrying to your uncleā€™s fair! But the family reunion with distant relatives the Sullivans ends in a disaster when you realize that an evil vampire named Walter started a hunt on them all, including you! The Lord of the Monsters, he wants to release his loyal servants from the basement of the Sullivan mansion. Can you disenchant your aunt, save your nephew and find the missing nieces to make sure theyā€™re safe? Unite with you Uncle Pierre - an illusionist and secret magician ā€“ who will reveal the unknown mysteries and chilling details about your family!

šŸŽƒ Stop your vampire ex-boyfriend from ruining your life in the bonus chapter!
Your adventure doesnā€™t stop at the end of the main story! Play the bonus chapter and enjoy another round of thrilling mystery hidden object games.

šŸŽƒ Enjoy the spooky halloween atmosphere!
These are special object finding games for the Halloween season. Complete tons of intriguing mini-games hidden around the Sullivan mansion and plunge into the spooky atmosphere!

šŸŽƒ Tons of collectibles and morphing objects to look for!
Replay your favorite seek and find puzzles to search for hidden objects you need and collectibles that weā€™ve cleverly hidden in this gamesā€™ colorful locations!

šŸŽƒ Cool achievements, wallpapers, concept arts, and more!
Solve hidden object games to earn achievements and get access to unique wallpapers, concept art, music, and more!

šŸŽƒ Never get lost with a helpful strategy guide!
If you ever get stuck while trying to find hidden objects, use the strategy guide for help and useful tips!

This game has a free trial part. You can unlock the full version through an in-app purchase.

Questions? Email us at [email protected]
Visit our website to search and find hidden object games: http://dominigames.com
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Solve puzzles and brain teasers in these great new top easy seek and find games!
Oxirgi yangilanish
6-noy, 2024

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