Mystical Riddles: Doll

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Play mystical puzzles and brain teasers in one of the best find the object hidden adventure game! In this one of the top puzzle adventure Domini Games, your goal is to solve mystery to become a hero!

You’re a detective investigating mystical cases, and you get a call from a woman who is concerned about the behavior of her son's fiancée. She suspects that her future daughter-in-law is in touch with dark forces. At their house, you notice that the fiancée is not exactly who she seems to be at first sight. You take up the case and discover the truth that makes your blood freeze. Still, you’ll have to find whoever is responsible for all the paranormal activities. Look for the items that will help you advance your investigation, solve the mystery, and find the culprit! Gather your wits for an unforgettable detective mystery story in this pulse-pounded new Hidden-Object Puzzle Adventure!

🧩 Find out why a hellhound is haunting a married couple in the Bonus Chapter!
Play more exciting mystic riddles and find things after you finish the main story! More secrets & mysteries await you in this unique chapter, where you can seek & find hidden objects and unlock all new branches of the ghost story!

🧩 Gather collectibles and look for morphing objects!
Each location has a unique collection of various collectibles to help you in your hidden mystery investigation in our ghost games! Are you ready to go on an adventure quest to search & find objects while playing detective game?

🧩 Enjoy bonus materials that include concept art, wallpapers, music, and more!
Our find items games quests have tons of bonus content for you to enjoy! More treasures need to be found in our point & click adventure game!

🧩 Solve mini-games and interesting riddles!
Resolve puzzles and find clues to earn as many achievements as you can to brag to your friends! Give it your best shot in our story adventure games! Choose your story and go searching for hidden objects!

🧩 You will never get lost with our Strategy Guide!
Stuck on any hidden object mystery games? No problem - our built-in walkthrough will always help you to advance our hidden object puzzle adventure!

This game has a free trial part. You can unlock the full version through an in-app purchase.

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Solve the mystery in these great find hidden objects games! Learn a new detective investigation story in mystic puzzle adventure!
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-sen, 2024

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