Sweet Candy Shop:DuDu Games

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50 ming+
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Hamma uchun

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DuDu's Sweet Shop is open~ Come and experience the fun of handmade delicious candy!

[DIY candy, enhance baby's creativity]
Select delicious syrup, chocolate, pistachio and various fruits, baby can choose ingredients freely, mix and match, and make your own candy~

[Cool Candy Machine]
Exquisite sugar boiling machine, cool juicer, cute grinder, syrup tube, syrup machine, candy factory with modern industrial flavor, waiting for your baby to experience and create~

[Dress up beautifully, enjoy the fun of creation]
Super many molds to create unique shaped candies. Glittering candy crumbs, cute candy sticks, beautiful candy bows, and beautiful candy wrappers let your baby dress up with their own beautiful and creative candies~

[Exquisite animation sound effects]
Professional dubbing teachers record sound effects to bring your baby a professional sound effect experience~
Children can also sell the candies they made to customers, get gold coins, and unlock more exquisite crafting props~

- Simulate the production process of a real candy factory, let the baby do it by himself, and experience the fun of making candy;
- Free choice of a variety of ingredients, N colors can be matched at will, and there are many creative candies to decorate with props;
- There are many abrasive tools, the shapes are changeable, and the baby's creative talent can be fully explored;
-Cute and mechanical candy machine, bringing your baby a unique candy making experience;

If you want to make beautiful and creative candies, improve your baby's hands-on ability and creativity, download DuDu's Sweet Shop now!
Oxirgi yangilanish
11-iyn, 2024

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Nima yangiliklar

DIY candy to boost your baby's creativity
cool candy machine
Dress up beautifully and enjoy the fun of creation
Beautifully animated sound effects