Children Happy Farm:DuDu Games

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100 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

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Children, think about it~~ What is there in DuDu's Happy Farm?There are not only cute animals on the farm, but also nutritious fruits, vegetables and crops.

Blue sky and green grass, small river water, here, fruits, vegetables, animals and plants can breathe fresh air and bathe in warm sunshine~
Children, come to DuDu's Happy Farm to experience the fun of running a farm together!

Product Features

-Animal breeding is more joyful
The bleating lambs, the brooding hens, the mooing little cows... how do they spend their day? Feeding, drinking, and defecating are their daily necessities. Of course, small animals will also give the hard-working children a little surprise! Come and experience it~

-Fruits and vegetables grow and harvest abundantly
What kind of growth process do fruits and vegetables need to go through to harvest rich fruits? Fertilization, sunshine, watering, deworming... I believe that smart children can grow up these fruits and vegetables!

-Crop cultivation requires patience
What crops are there on the farm? Wheat, corn, soybeans...patient children will be able to take good care of them, and the harvested fruits can also win gold coins!

-Sell the store to win gold coins
The harvested fruits and the output of small animals can be collected in the store and sold to customers who need it! The gold coins won can expand our farm resources, come and get more gold coins!
Oxirgi yangilanish
10-iyl, 2024

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Nima yangiliklar

Animal farming is fun
Fruits and vegetables grow and harvest
Crop cultivation requires patience
Shop sell win coins