Vlad and Niki - Math Academy

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Discover the most fun educational games to learn math with the most famous brothers Vlad and Niki!

With the different games of this app kids will be able to develop their math skills and through the missions they will be able to test everything they are learning. Vlad and Nikita, the children's favorite characters, are waiting for them to join the adventure of learning! Vlad and Niki - Math Academy games will help children learn to count numbers from 1 to 20, do calculations with addition and subtraction, learn geometric shapes and much more!

Your children will develop their intelligence while having fun with Vlad and Niki and you will be able to check their progress in math. The application offers a specific section with statistics and graphs so that parents or guardians can visualize the student's development, as well as identify mathematics content with points of improvement or with the highest number of errors. In this way, children can reinforce the areas where they encounter greater difficulty.


With fun math exercises of Vlad and Niki organized in different categories, children will learn basic mathematical concepts such as:

- Counting numbers from 1 to 20
- Classify objects by shape, size and color
- Continuing series and sequences of elements
- Perform simple addition and subtraction calculations
- Identify objects by position
- Compare items by weight
- Learn basic geometric shapes


- Vlad and Niki official application
- Fun mathematical quests and challenges
- Games to stimulate the brain
- Simple and intuitive interface
- Fun designs and animations
- Original sounds and voices of Vlad & Niki
- Free game


Vlad and Niki are two brothers known for their videos about toys and stories from daily life. They have become one of the most important influencers among children, with millions of subscribers around the world.

In these games you will find your favorite characters to encourage you to solve the puzzles and smart challenges they propose. Have fun with them while stimulating your brain!
Oxirgi yangilanish
12-mar, 2024

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♥ Thank you for playing Vlad and Niki - Math Academy!
⭐️ The most fun educational games to learn math.
⭐️ Games to stimulate the brain.
⭐️ Check learning progress.
⭐️ Simple and intuitive interface.
⭐️ Fun and educational!
We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions. If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]