Logic Grid Puzzles: Brain Game

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Enjoy Logic Puzzles with 100 unique brain puzzles of increasing difficulty and multiple sizes with no ads. These logic puzzles will keep your brain active and improve your cognitive skills. Smart Hints will teach your brain how to play and help your brain learn new patterns. Use the clues to fill in the grid and solve each logic puzzle. Work your way up from from a logic puzzle beginner to master! Use unlimited Smart Hints to see exactly which clue applies to the current board and why. Start with small 3×4 logic puzzles or challenge your brain with huge 4×7 cell puzzles.

Smart Hints examine your solution so far and explain how to fill in another cell by referencing your current board position and telling you what clue to use next (internet access required). Your brain will love the extra training this provides.

Other features include Auto-X for faster entry and multi-level Undo. These make it easier and quicker for your brain cells to focus on the logic! If you're completely stuck, you can check the grid for errors.

Logic puzzles supports modern Android features like adjustable text size and Dark Mode.

For more puzzles, you can purchase extra volumes each with 100 new puzzles of the same sizes as in the initial app. Alternatively, the optional monthly subscription unlocks 10,000 puzzles of all sizes. It will automatically renew unless you cancel at least 24 hours before the end of the monthly period. You can manage or cancel your subscription anytime in your Google Play account settings or using the Manage button in the app.

Logic Grid Puzzles’ privacy and terms of use policies: https://eggheadgames.com/legal

Email: [email protected]
Web: https://eggheadgames.com

These logic puzzles are licensed from Puzzle Baron.
Oxirgi yangilanish
14-avg, 2024

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Reytinglar va sharhlar

958 ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

Updates the styling and improves the clarity of the "Congratulations" page, and also makes it available from the Solved puzzles section on the More tab. Replaces Zen Mode with a "Show Badges" switch (it has all the same features). Fixes a rare crashing bug in an earlier version of this release.

Email [email protected] any time if you have questions. We love to hear from you!