Enduring Word Commentary

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Enduring Word Commentary is a book by book, chapter by chapter, verse-by-verse study through the entire Bible. Grounded in the historical, conservative Christian faith, the Enduring Word Commentary is used everyday by pastors, preachers, Bible teachers, and anyone wanting to understand the Scriptures and grow closer to God by listening to Him speak through His Word.

Listening and reading the Enduring Word Commentary brings the Scripture to life! Author David Guzik, through extensive research and understanding of Biblical culture, helps people around the world understand the Scriptures and learn to love and trust God through his teaching. The Enduring Word Commentary is making and multiplying disciples around the globe.

Readers around the world use the EW commentary to grow personally, teach others, prepare sermons, and make disciples.
“…one of the best Bible app I have come across. Easy to use and understand.”
“It really helps me understand at a deeper level”
“…clear, excellent, & encouraging.”
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-sen, 2024

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