Equisense Inside

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Equisense Inside is an app designed to monitor and improve the performance of the rider/horse couple and to anticipate anomalies such as lameness.

It is associated with our Motion One and Motion Sport sensors and sensors integrated into connected saddles for horse riding.

Thanks to the various indicators of our connected option you can: anticipate lameness problems, analyze your training, and adapt them each week thanks to activity reports.
Horses are athletes and deserve special attention on the follow-up of their training, like any athlete in search of performance. Performance is in the details.

The Motion One sensor measures:
- Time spent at walk, trot, canter.
- Number of jumps and transitions
- The symmetry of the horse
- Stride frequency and regularity at walk, trot and canter.

The Motion Sport sensor also measures:
- The horse's heart rate at each gait

The Forestier Sellier and Voltaire Design connected saddles also offer an automatic start and stop function for sessions.

Some functions are available without a sensor:
- GPS track and route map
- Real-time speed, total distance, and elevation
- Riding exercises and training programs
- Follow-up of his horses and profile of the horses

Equisense Inside also allows you to consult ideas for training exercises: more than 300 exercises and training programs are available in the app.
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-noy, 2024

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