Plyometric Training Workouts

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397 ta sharh
50 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

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Fitivity gets you better. Looks like you’re here to get better athleticism.

Develop your strength and explosiveness with these explosive Plyometric drills! Beginner to advanced program.

Plyometrics - is a training technique designed to enhance power and explosiveness. This type of training was developed for Olympic athletes and has since then become a become a popular workout routine for people of all ages, including children, adults and adolescents.

Plyometric training works out the body using dynamic resistance drills that rapidly stretch a muscle (eccentric phase) and then rapidly shorten it (concentric phase). Explosive jumping exercises, for example, cause the quadriceps to a stretch-shortening cycle that can strengthen these muscles, heighten your vertical jump, and decrease the impact on the joints. The goal is to train for maximum force production in the shortest period of time, so reps are low and the intensity and effort is high.

Many athletes use this program to help prepare them for the following sports:

- Basketball
- Football
- Track and Field
- Lacrosse
- Tennis
- Field Hockey
- Rugby
- Baseball
- Boxing
- MMA and martial arts
- and more!

Become a faster, stronger, and more powerful athlete by using this program.

In addition to your weekly workouts, try out Fitivity BEATS! Beats is a highly engaging exercise experience that combines mixes by DJ's and super motivating trainers to push you through workouts.

• Audio guidance from your personal digital trainer
• Customized workouts designed for you each week.
• For each workout you are provided with HD instructional videos to preview & learn training techniques.
• Stream workouts online or do workouts offline.

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26-sen, 2024

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