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Are you looking for a Forza tuning calculator but not sure where to start? Download the free version of the most popular tuning app, and see how easy it is to make your cars handle better.

With ForzaTune you get:

+ Intelligent base tune formulas for Forza Motorsport or Horizon titles
+ Option to adjust balance and stiffness
+ Support for different units (lbs or kg, etc.)
+ Fast, streamlined interface so you can spend more time driving

ForzaTune is minimal and focused like your favorite lightweight sports cars. But don't let its simplicity fool you. It does a lot of work behind the scenes to make an excellent base tune.

If you like ForzaTune be sure to check out ForzaTune Pro. It lets you tune for specific cars, tracks, gearing, drift, drag, rally and more...making better tunes even faster.

Whichever you choose you'll be well on your way to better lap times and a more satisfying drive.


ForzaTune does not have third-party ads, in-app purchases, account sign-ups, or annoying time limits. You can make unlimited base tunes for road or track as soon as you download.



Q: Which games does this support?
A: Any Forza Motorsport title or Forza Horizon 2 and later. Vehicles will typically need race suspension, anti-roll bars, brakes and differentials. In some cases, cars are stock adjustable. You will also get better results without stability management (STM) and other assists.

Q: How does it work?
A: Enter weight, weight distribution, performance index, and drive type. Hit "Next" to see your results. Copy those results to the tuning menu in Forza. Drive and enjoy! If you would like to change the feel of a car the tune adjustment option makes that easy too. It's also a great way to learn how settings affect handling.

Take ForzaTune for a spin and see how easy it is to make your own tunes.
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-okt, 2024

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220 ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

ForzaTune is celebrating 15 years on the App Store! In this latest version you'll see an updated brake balance approach, and a fix for an issue with rear differential adjustments. Keep an eye out for more announcements (blog, email, twitter/x) as we continue the month-long celebration. Stay tuned!