Millie and Lou: Colouring

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Millie and Lou's Forest Adventure - Art Game for Kids is an immersive adventure and colouring game experience that allows children to journey deep into the forest and meet Millie, a friendly, fearless young girl and her best friend Lou, a clever, cautious little cat.

Just like in the hit YouTube series, Millie and Lou share the forest with exciting characters, the Forest Folk, all inspired by mythical folklore. Together, these BFFs need your help on their magical mission to meet every single one! Can you find Cornwallis, Namu Namu and all of the other Folkies? Why not colour them in and re-write Granny's big book of Forest Folk? They're not so scary after all!

This enchanting pre-school app delights in the magic of making new friends and finding common ground, no matter who you are or where you come from.

Brought to you by top educators and experts in play from the BAFTA award-winning creators of Alphablocks, Numberblocks and Blue Zoo animation studios, Millie and Lou's Forest Adventure - Art Game for Kids will give children an immersive and hands-on experience, meeting their favourite mythical characters from the hit YouTube show.

How does Millie and Lou's Forest Adventure - Art Game for Kids help your child?

1. Carefully scaffolded imaginative environment encouraging exploration and free-play, designed by top experts in play.
2. Painting game with a variety of engaging tools and mechanics encouraging your child's creativity and fine motor skills.
3. This app is fun, educational and safe, being COPPA and GDPR-K compliant and 100% ad-free.
4. All presented through a safe, 100% ad-free, digital game for your child to explore.


- Immersive forest environment with different areas and character habitats for children to explore, alongside Millie and Lou.
- Painting game, allowing children to paint the Forest Folkies using a variety of creative tools and colours.
- Ability to save their masterpieces to Granny's Big Book of Forest Folk and re-write the narrative, proving that you should never judge a book by its cover!
- A fun adventure, helping Millie and Lou meet the Forest Folkies and enriching their relationship with the characters from the hit YouTube series.
- The Free version of the app allows children to meet three Forest Folk and the In App Purchase unlocks all the Forest Folkies for Millie and Lou fans to enjoy!

Privacy & Safety

At Millie and Lou, your child’s privacy and safety is the first priority for us. There are no ads in the app and we will never share personal information with any 3rd parties or sell this on.

You can find out more in our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service:

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Oxirgi yangilanish
22-iyl, 2024

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