Screw Pin Master: Sort Puzzle

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Welcome to **Screw Pin Master: Sort Puzzle**, the ultimate puzzle game where your goal is simple: unscrew bolts and nuts to solve tricky puzzle boards! This addictive puzzle game will test your brain and your fingers as you twist, turn, and screw it all to victory!

The gameplay is easy to pick up but hard to master. You’ll start by seeing screws of different colors. Your job is to unscrew them in the correct order and match them to the right screw box. Once you’ve unscrewed all the nuts and bolts from the board, the board will drop, revealing another layer of challenging screws. Collect all the screws, and you’ll win!

Why play **Screw Pin Master: Sort Puzzle**? It’s the perfect way to relax while still giving your brain a workout. Whether you’re looking for a game to wind down after a long day or to challenge your logic skills, this game is for you. Plus, with its endless puzzles, it never gets boring!

- Remove screws in the correct order: Pay attention to the screw color and match it to the screw box.
- Use boosters: Boosters can help you clear tricky bolts fast. Get stuck? Screw it and use boosters!
- Plan your moves: Think ahead before unscrewing any bolt, as one wrong move could block your progress.

- Realistic mechanics: Feel the satisfaction of unscrewing real bolts and nuts.
- Boosters: Power up your gameplay with different boosters to clear difficult puzzles.
- Endless puzzles: New boards, nuts, and bolts to keep the challenge fresh.

Unscrew it now and become a **Screw Pin Master**!
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-noy, 2024

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