Survival Island 2: Dinosaurs

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126 ming ta sharh
5 mln+
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Survival Island 2 is an offline adventure survival simulator game.

Waiting for you dinosaur survival games offline on a raft in the ocean. You're a survivor in dinosaur games and your adventures are not over. After the storm your raft was nailed by waves to a wild island in the ocean. Your adventure continues in a stranded deep open world! Dinosaur survival games offline have begun! Explore dense jungles, uncover hidden caves, and gather essential resources to build your home. Face the challenges of the untamed wilderness and prove your skills against formidable prehistoric creatures pixark.

👾 Added Pixel Mode!
Survive on the pixel island! Do you want to tame a pixelated dinosaur? Then go ahead! If you love pixel games, then you will definitely like the pixel mod. So what are you waiting for? The pixel ark world is waiting for you! Play the Pixel Survival Island Games.

⛏ Mysterious caves
You can find a dino cave and collect rare resources. Explore caves in island games. Island caves are full of dangerous dinosaurs and rare resources. Collect rare resources, craft tools, weapons and build a house! Try to survive!

🌴3D graphics in dinosaur games
Enjoy the isle version of high resolution graphics in 3D. Just imagine suddenly finding a Jurassic island with a giant jungle forest and ancient animals. Jurassic survival simulator with the isle 3D graphics is already here!

🏹 Dozens of weapons and vital resources
Apocalypse or desert island... anyway, you have to survive in dinosaur games. You can craft weapons: axes, bows and arrows. They will help you to hunt for food and protect yourself in the fight. Craft weapons to survive in green hell! Enjoy craft in island survival games! Become a dino hunter!

🦖 Different types of animals
There is a huge collection of dinosaurs and wild animals. Dodo is your friend and protector! It will protect you from dangerous Kentrosaurus! Try to tame wild Pterodactyls! Collect all the eggs and get Nasutoceratops! Tame or hunt! Dinos are waiting for you in a stranded deep open world!

🔨 Improved crafting, building and fighting skills
Palworld survival games...this is not as easy as it seems. Be brave even if it’s your last day... This pixel ark enables you to create and craft more advanced resources for building facilities. If you like craft, this island survival games offline is all you need! Explore lands in all possible ways, you are now a true survivor in dinosaur games.

💡 Advanced strategies Jurassic Survival Island 2
Learn to use the environment to your advantage, create fortified shelters to protect yourself from nightly attacks. Master the isle art of camouflage to avoid detection by predators and become a master in island survival games. Adapt and thrive in this hostile environment.

🦕 Evolution goes on stranded deep open world
This dinosaur survival games offline lets you discover dinos at once. Wild animals are eager to kill the uninvited guest — try to survive as long as you can! Do you want to tame or be a dino hunter? Hunt dinosaurs or try to tame them! A green hell awaits you, filled with secrets, be on your guard.

We made a pixark offline mode, it allows you to enjoy the adventure even without an internet connection. You can explore the huge world pixark, complete quests and build your hideout anytime and anywhere. There is no need to worry about losing your connection or traffic limitations. It is the perfect choice for those who want to dive into exciting adventures without the need to be online.

If you like dinosaur survival games, you will like this adventure! Jurassic survival island, crafting, green hell, pixel ark, hunting and building, dinosaurs and dangerous animals! Be a dino hunter in dinosaur games! Enjoy palworld survival simulator offline adventure game right now! Dangerous island is waiting for you in dinosaur survival games!

Support email Pixel Survival Island Games 2: [email protected]
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-avg, 2024

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