Guns at Dawn: Shooter Online

Reklamalar mavjudIlova ichida xaridlar
36,8 ming ta sharh
5 mln+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

Bu oʻyin haqida

Guns at Dawn: Shooter Arena is an action shooter multiplayer for mobiles.
Can you survive in deadly all-out gun battles and be the last gunslinger standing? Grab your weapon and don't miss the shot. Make each bullet count!

Key Features
Skill based PvP Duel Battles
Play online and master the art of shooting pistols and dodging bullets. Unleash lethal skills to gun down your enemy in split seconds.

Intuitive Controls
It’s so simple than you learn quickly tactics to kill your opponent and rank up in your leaderboard. The skill-cap is high enough to be extremely challenging and be the last survival in this PvP shooting game

Customizable Characters and accesories
8+ gunslingers with special skills: The Outlaw, the Bounty Hunter, The Graverobber or the Marshall. Create a unique hero by using a combination of hundreds of accessories and find the perfect look.

Cool weapons
10+ iconic weapons: Walker, Navy, or the PeaceMaker. Choose the specific gun-fighting skills you want to develop and acquire new shooting abilities to become the last shooter

High Quality 3D Battlegrounds
Fight across 5+ console quality multiplayer maps with objects to hide and destructible environments and obstacles

Worldwide competitions and modes
Rise in the leaderboards Leagues and weekly Rival Ranks to battle to the top in competitive ranked mode. Compete against thousands of shooters worldwide in realtime 1v1 matches.

Note: An internet connection is required to play online this game. the gameplay uses realtime online matches with player across the globe.
Oxirgi yangilanish
3-okt, 2024

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Nima yangiliklar

Welcome to the 1.31.07 update:
+ New 2 Non-Ranked Modes: Big Head Mode: Shoot to grow heads until they explode. Chicken Run: Take down the killer chickens before they get you!
+ New Feature: Treasure Map, face off in legendary duels and collect rewards and accessories.
+ More fixes and optimisations