Sea Invaders - Alien shooter

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Are you a fan of arcade space shooter games? If so, you will love Sea Invaders, an exciting alien shooter game with retro vibes where you will have to defeat hordes of marine creatures.

Sea Invaders - Alien Shooter is especially developed for galaga and other classic space shooter lovers.

★ Refreshing alien shooter.
Sea Invaders brings back the classic shoot ‘em up mechanics from galaga game with a new and refreshing flavor. It’s set in crazy underwater environments. Defeat invaders like 80’s kids did in the classic galaga game.

★ Improve your force.
You’ll be able to select from a variety of alien shooter powers and special abilities for your character in this unique space shooter. Improve your attack force, health, speed, etc. Also, you can team up with allies that will fight with you against challenging invasion enemies.

★Upgrade your character.
Prove your alien shooter skills are the best and gain coins while playing. Obtaining coins will help you to unlock more characters with different abilities and stats.

★ Save the islands.
Play in different worlds and clean the seas in the most refreshing space shooter. Each island has several levels full of invaders and challenging bosses. If you liked galaga game you’ll love this renewed playing experience.

★ Enjoy HQ design.
Colorful and dynamic environments underwater are waiting for you in this crazy space shooter set underwater. You can expect lots of eye-catching explosions, lightnings and gunfires with inspiration of retro arcade style and galaga game.
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-dek, 2023

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- Bug fixes