Everlasting Alchemists : Roman

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Discover your true love in this unique Romance Otome Game from Genius Inc!


Can an eternal soul experience everlasting love?

You’ve always been fascinated by the countryside. There’s always been something that draws you to it. But when you enter the forest, you find yourself chased by wolves! You somehow manage to escape into a mysterious mansion inhabited by three handsome, but enigmatic men… Camil, Allen and Urey. It seems the residents have mixed feelings about your presence and you try to leave… but no matter how far you venture, you can’t escape the grounds!

Trapped in what they call the “forbidden forest,” you decide to to get to the bottom of the mysteries of this mansion and its inhabitants. Could you be the key that unlocks the secrets of the mansion… and the three men’s hearts?

Discover your everlasting love in this romance otome game of mystery and intrigue!

Allen is the cool and mysterious owner of the mansion. His beauty seems to be a mask to the heart of ice that lays beneath the surface. He doesn’t speak much to any of the residents. He often can be seen heading to his basement room, but his motives are a mystery.

Urey can seem a bit air-headed at times, but he is surprisingly intelligent. He is truly handsome and also becomes one of your closest friends, opening up to you over time. He grew up in an orphanage and seems to be hiding a truly tragic and horrifying past.

Camil is butler of the mansion. He takes care of Allen and Urey and has only shown you a gentlemanly kindness since the first time you met. He always shows care for you, but he sometimes appears more sharp and calculating, shrouding him in a mysterious aura.

Check out our other Otome games as well! You’ll find many handsome guys and amazing romantic adventures!
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-okt, 2023

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