EyeGuard: Screen distance keep

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EyeGuard is a revolutionary application designed to prioritize your eye health by reminding you to maintain a safe distance from your device's screen. With the help of the Camera API, EyeGuard accurately measures the distance between your eyes and the screen, ensuring optimal viewing conditions and reducing eye strain.

🎁 Key Features
Screen Distance Monitoring: EyeGuard utilizes the advanced capabilities of the Camera API to measure the distance between your eyes and the screen in real-time. By setting a preferred distance threshold, the app alerts you whenever you get too close to the screen, encouraging you to maintain a safe distance.

Customizable Distance Threshold: Tailor EyeGuard to your specific needs by defining your preferred distance threshold. The app allows you to set the ideal distance from the screen that suits your comfort level and eye health requirements.

Adjustable Alert Settings: EyeGuard provides flexible alert settings, allowing you to choose the type of reminders that work best for you. You can opt for gentle notifications, vibration alerts, or even personalized messages to remind you to adjust your screen distance.

SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW Display: EyeGuard uses the SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW feature to display unobtrusive and customizable alerts on top of other applications. This ensures that you receive timely reminders without interrupting your workflow or app usage.

EyeGuard need to use the FOREGROUND_SERVICE permission to use the camera in the background to calculate the screen distance. The camera is only used to calculate the distance locally and will not store or share any data.

User-Friendly Interface: EyeGuard offers a clean and intuitive interface, making it easy to set up and customize the app according to your preferences. Enjoy a seamless user experience while prioritizing your eye health.

🎁 More Info
For inquiries, please kindly send your question to [email protected], our service team will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!
Oxirgi yangilanish
28-okt, 2024

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