Kids Preschool Learning Games

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The Preschool Learning Games app brings your toddlersšŸ‘¶ a fun and educationalšŸ“š way to help with the development of their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Multitude of free games & activities to learn Alphabets, Colors & Shapes etc. With our online visual games, a childā€™s kinesthetic learning process is developed much faster.

āœØTop Features of ABC Kids GamesāœØ
šŸ“ 25+ fun free interactive games for toddlers and preschoolers to give them an early kick start towards education šŸ“ Beautifully designed educational fun activities for kids with interesting cartoon characters
šŸ“ Awesome Montessori preschool games for kids for early learning with animation
šŸ“ Great for children in learning letters and numbers, colors, etc while playing
šŸ“ Visual learning games for kids to help children with developing their motor skills and hand-eye coordination
šŸ“ Interactive and engaging preschoolers learning games for ages 2 to 6 yrs
šŸ“ Intuitive touch control facilities specially for Pre-k and kindergarteners
šŸ“ Win stickers at the end of each game to keep them motivated

šŸŽ²List of Learning games for toddlersšŸŽ²

šŸ“ā€œFill The Colorsā€ with over 80+ coloring pages to keep them amused and entertained
šŸ“ā€Space Gnomesā€ helps children choose the correct Alphabet or Number with its funny gnomes floating around the screen
šŸ“ā€Match The Shadowsā€ allows toddlers to match the correct shapes to their shadows
šŸ“ Find ā€œTricky Mazeā€ game to keep the children interested & engaged while reinforcing alphabet learning
šŸ“ā€Learn To Trace letters and numbersā€ lets children practice their alphabets and numbers by tracing the shape allowing them to work on their motor skills
šŸ“ā€Make Your Own Carā€ enables child to build her own car using different parts to help them recognize different shapes
šŸ“ā€In Hide and Seekā€ you toddler has to find our friendly monkeys to help them with their memory
šŸ“In the ā€œMusic Timeā€ game, has lots of rhymes. Drums, Piano, and Xylophone are also provided for the kidā€™s enjoyment. Also had the sounds of various animals like elephant, dog, tiger, etc.
šŸ“ā€Scratch to Revealā€ is a fun and interactive way for preschoolers to reveal funny hidden characters with finger movements
šŸ“Plenty of visually colourful games and kids activities to keep them amused and teach letter sounds and abc phonics for kids
šŸ“Now enjoy cooking with little chef and oral hygiene with Charlie

šŸŽÆImportance of Interactive Learning Games for Kids & ToddlersšŸŽÆ

ā— Many experts believe that fun and interactive learning activities help in the kinesthetic development of toddlers and pre-k children.
ā— Pre k kids educational games should be made in such a way that children are constantly engaged and provided with rewards to boost their spirit. This is how we design each of our preschool educational games on this app.
ā— With colorful pictures, captivating animation, and enchanting sound effects, young student will love every activity, this learning kids app has to offer.
ā— If you are parents or teachers looking for interactive learning games for boys and girls aged 2 ā€“ 6, Preschool Games for kids is the perfect app for your children which enable many free preschool learning games for toddlers.

Child's personal information will never be collected
Oxirgi yangilanish
12-noy, 2024

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