12 Minute Athlete HIIT Workout

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270 ta sharh
10 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

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12 Minute Athlete is a high intensity interval training (HIIT) program of incredibly effective workouts that you can do in around just 12 minutes a day with minimal equipment and no gym membership. 

Get in the best shape of your life today. No excuses!   

Includes detailed instructions and video demonstrations of the exercises to help you get through each of the workouts. Just pick how long you want your workout to be, choose which equipment you want to use, then work hard!

Also includes an easy-to-use interval timer and stopwatch so you can do your own workouts at any time.

- 185+ full-body HIIT workouts to choose from. Workouts are either 12 minutes, 16 minutes or time challenge.
- Short, intense workouts focus on strength, cardio, interval and core training.
- Seven possible equipment choices with option to choose bodyweight-only workout as well.
- Simple functionality, easy and fun to use.
- 35+ bodyweight and equipment-based exercises included.
- Access to step-by-step instructions and video demonstrations for every exercise at any time.
- Ability to save favorite workouts and interval timers for easy access. 
- Share your workout on Facebook and Twitter. 
- Interval timer, stopwatch and countdown timer gives you the option to do your own workouts at any time.
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-iyl, 2024

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