Car Makeover Empire

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10 ming+
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Welcome to the world of "Car Makeover Empire"! This is a car modification game full of creativity and fun. Here, you will play a professional car tuner, synthesizing and transforming abandoned cars, transforming them into unique, stunning and beautiful cars.

The core gameplay of the game is synthesis and modification.
You need to collect various car parts and materials and combine them through the synthesis system to create brand new car parts and paint. You can then use these parts to modify abandoned cars, improving their performance and appearance. You can choose different models as the basis, assemble and color them freely according to your own preferences, and create a unique car.

We provide a wide range of models for you to choose from.
The game includes classic vintage cars, stylish sports cars, practical SUVs, classic pickups, super large trucks, and more. Each model has unique modification potential and appearance, allowing you to express your creativity. Plus, you can choose from a variety of colors, decals, and paint jobs to add a unique personality to your car.

In addition to modification and assembly, the game also offers a variety of challenges and tasks.
You need to complete various tasks, unlock new models and parts, and improve your modification skills. In the challenge, you will face various restrictions and conditions, and you need to flexibly use synthesis and modification skills to build a car that meets the requirements.

"Car Makeover Empire" is a game full of fun and creativity. Whether you are a car enthusiast or a modification fan, you can find your own fun here. Come join our world and show your modification talents!

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Oxirgi yangilanish
1-noy, 2024

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