CodeGym: learn Java

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Learn Java programming from scratch on your smartphone with the educational quest game from creators of CodeGym. The course consists of 1200 tasks and 600 mini-lectures.

If you dream of becoming a programmer, but you’re short of time for learning on courses with a demanding schedule, here’s a solution. With this app, you can devote as much time for your learning as you have, and practice wherever you want. Even 30 minutes a day would be enough for reading a couple of lectures or solving a few tasks :)

Our Java programming course is designed in a playing format and includes four quests. Each quest consists of 10 levels with lectures and tasks. Imagine you play a game and skill-up your character along with actually learning how to code!

Of course, it’s quite a tough task to write dozens of code lines on your smartphone. With this aim in view, we’ve developed a fully-featured system of auto expands and tips to help you code faster. After you write the solution, send it for review and get instant verification.

There’s a whole lot of Java tasks in the course, such as:

- Writing your code;
- Fixing existing code;
- Self-consistent mini-projects and games.

If you run into sticky points while solving any task, feel free to ask for a hint in the help section and get advice from other students or course developers.

We save your progress, so you can return to learning any minute and continue with solving tasks or reading lectures.

Learn Java fundamentals the right way — through coding practice!
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-mar, 2024

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