Cats are liquid sort puzzle

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129 ta sharh
5 ming+
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Recommended for those who like cute cats and kitten and those who like puzzle games!
It's a free popular sortpuz with a cat motif!

A total of 500 stages are available!
A popular cat puzzle game that kills three birds with one stone!
I can't help but get addicted to it.

like dogs than cats! ? No, I want you to play with cats. Cats are cute too.

- 500 stages are available.
- A cat puzzle game that you can enjoy without paying
- As you clear stages, you can get new cats (enjoy Neko Atsume).
- You can see the cat you got on the title screen.
- The cat reacts on the title screen and is soothing.
- cats are soft like liquid

[How to play]
- Tap to select a box and tap another box
- Place cats of the same color in the same box. sort it cats
- You can only move when a cat of the same color is on top of the box.
- Any cat can be moved to an empty box. Clear the stage by making good use of empty boxes.
- There is also a function to add a back function and an empty box, so please try using it if it is difficult.
- Cleared stages can be played as many times as you like.

[Recommended for]
- Those who like puzzle adventure
- Those who want to solve puzzles and feel refreshed
- Those who like ball sort sort puzzles
- I like cats and kittens
- People who like games with animal motifs other than cats, such as pop, dog and horse and bears
- People looking for interesting free healing sort puzzle games
- People looking for fun free relaxing liquid sort puzzle games
- People looking for games similar to ball sort game
- People looking for cute character games
- People who love cat games and cat apps
- People who are looking for a free popular puzzle game that can kill time during commuting and breaks
- People who like simple games
- Those who like free new popular escape games and fun puzzle solving
- Those who like to look at cats
- A girl who likes cute animals

I would be happy if you could use it to kill time.
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-okt, 2024

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