NF1 Combat Evolved

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NeuroForce 1 Combat Evolved is a highly detailed yet easy to understand 6, 8 and 12-week strength and conditioning program for combat athletes preparing for competition. These programs detail and structure all aspects of physical preparation for the combat athlete.

Every aspect from strength & power training to energy system development, from corrective exercise to cognitive conditioning, is outlined in great detail in each program.

This video library can be used with your Combat Evolved training program to make it easy to train anywhere. With over 400 short video clips you will see how each move should be performed.

You can filter by one of 26 different categories including upper and lower body strength, stretching, med ball exercises and even breathing. If you know the title of the video you are looking for you can simply search for it.

No sound has been included with the app, so your coach or headset won't be interrupted.

Evolved is in the name, and like the human spirit, this app will evolve too. We will be adding new features and functions over the coming weeks to help you navigate and find the exact video you need quickly and easily. When you train to become a champ, nothing should stand in your way.
Oxirgi yangilanish
9-iyl, 2024

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