Lies Of Astaroths-Battle Games

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372 ta sharh
10 ming+
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Welcome to the legendary world of Lies Of Astaroths! The TCG and CCG multiplayer card battle is about to begin. Lies Of Astaroths is an online card rpg game that integrates deck battles, turn-based strategies, and pvp arenas.

Explore unique worlds, each world has unique enemies and dangers, defeat all the bosses and become a hero. Collect hundreds of fantastic cards and powerful skills to build your wonderful deck.
In this game, you can find all kinds of powerful heroes. Each card has a unique and extraordinary ability. Use strategy to make cards with powerful heroes and line up troops. Develop advanced war tactics and summon magical legends. Unlock new courses to try different strategies and have unlimited fun.
Combine powerful cards, classes and epic skills to create the ultimate deck to conquer your enemies!
Astaroth Adventure-Legendary Adventure!
⚔ Intuitive, instant and free.
⚔ Fast-paced battles, easy to learn and play anytime.
⚔ Fight against other players in a brand new weekly tournament to improve yourself.
⚔ Hundreds of cards will allow you to create incredible combinations and decks.
⚔ Dozens of skills for building your strategy and perfect deck.
⚔ Unlock various professional heroes, everyone has their own exclusive ability and starting card!
⚔ Travel across dangerous world continents, each world has its own unique challenges.
⚔ A card fighting game with clan battles. Join a clan of magical legends or create your own clan and invite friends. Train your disciples from novices to skilled elders full of courage. Conquer the battlefield with your clan and get a special guild treasure chest full of bonuses, legendary cards and items. Start collecting powerful heroes that will lead your clan to victory and glory. With the help of spells or powerful swords, you can win clan battles.

Play this RPG action card game-collect your heroes and climb to the top of the military pvp magic arena!
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-okt, 2024

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1.Card Awakening System
2.Fix Bug